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Very, very good service. Mum has Alzheimer's and dementia, plus mobility problems and can be difficult at times. The carers are professional, friendly...
Dave H (Son of Client)
Our Care Process

When you arrange a care package, we follow the process detailed below to ensure you receive a truly great service tailored to your specific needs.

Click each step for more information and learn exactly how we operate our service.

Our care team receives your enquiry. We will contact you back to discuss your specific requirements. We will also happily provide information on our services and outline the costs.

We will arrange a home visit from the manager to further assess your situation and discuss our services and your needs. At this point we will also leave a care service user guide full of information.

Upon confirmation that you are interested in a care service plan from us, we will arrange a second visit from the manager. This will involve a full care assessment and we may schedule a starting date.

At this stage, we deliver a full "plan of care" document with all the information expected. We will also finalise every detail, making sure you and your family are totally happy.

Your service plan is now set and has been scheduled to start shortly. The manager will return and introduce the regular carer for your plan as well as conduct a final check before the service commences.

Your service plan will be under constant review and monitored closely to ensure we make any changes required. We will always be in touch and further visits from the manager can be set up.

Cancer Care
Dementia Care
Elderly Care
High Dependency Care
One or two carers attending
Hospital Discharge Assistance
Medication Assistance
Palliative Care
Personal Hygiene Care
Physical Disability Assistance
Respite cover
Sensory Impairment Care
Domestic Services
Cleaning Service
Food Preparation & Serving
Laundry Assistance
Shopping Service
Sit in Service
Transportation Service
Supply & fit Key-Safes
Get the Care You Need in a COVID-19 World
How I Plan for Episodes
Above & Beyond Care Ltd
70-72 The Havens
Ransomes Europark
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